Echt & Skene Community Council
Minute of meeting held 21st February in Garlogie Hall at 7:30pm
Present: Fiona Bick (Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Wendy Duncan, Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Edith Duchie, Councillors Ron McKail and Alistair McKelvie
Apologies: Alan Edwards, Cllr David Aitchison, Cllr Iris Walker, Mary Gray
Minute of last meeting: Accepted
Police Report: None received
Other Agenda items:
ESCC Website: Website text content has been updated. Photos of local scenes are needed to enhance the look and feel, and contributions should be sent to Nick. Nick to add links to Aberdeenshire Safety Partnership and Skene Heritage Society.
ESCC Constitution: First draft prepared. Further working group meeting needed to discuss and finalise for ESCC approval. Following that the new constitution will be sent to Aberdeenshire Council for approval so that it can be in place for next AGM.
Echt War Memorial: Survey was sent out by email to 125 local Echt residents and also made available in village shop and hall for pick up. Only 5 responses received with none willing to assist with fund-raising, etc. Wendy will send survey and results to Dunecht Estates for comment.
Echt Public Convenience: Meeting between Council property department and Bert Mackintosh is to take place on Monday 26th Feb. Fiona will attend for ESCC. Toilets remain open in the meantime.
Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): No progress with the new Pleasure Park path. It is rumoured that some of the Echt developer contributions have been siphoned off to other Council projects. Fiona to follow up with Garioch Area Manager.
Carpenters Croft/Kirkton of Skene Flooding Issues: Bancon Homes has offered a disappointingly small donation towards the cost of enlarging the Manse Road culvert. Fiona to contact them again.
Echt Footpath: No progress.
Community Resilience: Residents’ information leaflet has been printed and is ready to go out as an insert in February’s Westhill bulletin. Nick has leaflets for anyone wanting to distribute door-to-door. They will also be left in village shops for pick-up.
Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning application imminent (Nick).
Heartstart Course: No progress.
New Planning Applications:
- APP/2018/0067 Alterations and extension to existing garage – Leddach House, Skene. No comment.
- APP/2018/0259 Planning Permission in principle for erection of dwellinghouse – site east of Newton Smiddy, Dunecht. ESCC to submit comment regarding undesirability of breaking skyline with new house (John).
Prior Planning Applications:
- APP/2017/ 1802 Continued use of Buildings for Class 5 (General Industrial): Non-compliance with Condition 1 (Time) of Full Planning Permission Ref. APP/2015/0663 Units 4 and 5 South Fornet, Skene – APPEALED. Community Councillors will attend if Reporter makes accompanied site visit.
Treasurer’s Report:
Cash in bank: £1157.73 Cash in hand: £14.14
Correspondence/Upcoming Events:
- GACCF meeting 7th March 7pm at Meldrum Academy – John to attend.
- Kingsford stadium – It’s understood Aberdeenshire Council is writing to Scottish Government asking them to call in the approval of the application by Aberdeen City Council contrary to the Local Development Plan. The discharge of a number of the planning conditions would require the cooperation of Aberdeenshire Council i.e. pedestrian bridge and Controlled Parking Zone.
- The telephone box and post box at Garlogie Hall have now been removed. A post box remains at the other end of Garlogie.
- The Milne Hall Committee would like signs in the village at the car park entrances for “Village Hall” as some visitors have difficulty spotting it – Ron to write to Roads Department.
- Aberdeenshire Licensing Forum – John attended. Issues discussed included high price of low/no alcohol beers, difficulties in competing with supermarkets faced by small retailers and burdensome application process for occasional licences leading to increase in BYOB events. Forum will meet 2/3 times per year.
Future meetings:
4th April Garlogie
16th May Lyne of Skene
20th June (AGM) Echt Hall