Minute of Meeting 4th April 2018 Garlogie Hall

Echt & Skene Community Council

Minute of meeting held 4th April in Garlogie Hall at 7:30pm

Present: Fiona Bick (Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Edith Duchie, Raymond Alexander, Councillors Iris Walker, Ron McKail and Alistair McKelvie

Apologies: Alan Edwards, Cllr David Aitchison, Mary Gray, Klaus Wahle, Wendy Duncan

Minute of last meeting: Accepted

Police Report: 1 speeding offence and 2 offences of failing to stop after an accident. Operation Cedar is ongoing in the Garioch area aimed at tackling road traffic offences.

GACCF Meeting Feedback: John attended. Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan Main Issues report consultation is open for comment until 21 May.

Other Agenda items:

ESCC Website: New links have been added. Photos of local scenes are still needed to enhance the look and feel, and contributions should be sent to Nick. Meeting minutes are added as they are approved. Item closed.

ESCC Constitution: Working group met and agreed some further amendments. The final draft was sent to Alison Cumming for comment but no response received as yet. The new constitution will be issued for approval at the next meeting. Action – John to chase Alison Cumming for response

Echt War Memorial: Dunecht Estates commented that given the lack of interest from Echt residents in being part of a working group to progress a WW2 memorial they didn’t think the residents of Dunecht were likely to have a different response .Neither Dunecht Estates nor the ESCC intended to take the idea further but expressed their appreciation of the work done by Wendy Duncan on it.

Echt Public Convenience: Meeting between Council property department, Bert Mackintosh and Fiona took place on Monday 26th Feb. Aberdeenshire Council will be responsible for demolition of the existing building and associated consents but as yet haven’t appointed a contractor to do the work. Fiona has prepared a planning application on behalf of ESCC for the replacement disabled access toilet and is ready to submit it. Toilets remain open in the meantime. Action – Fiona to contact Bert Mackintosh to clarify scope of work included in his installation offer.

Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): Fiona obtained agreement from developer contributions team that new paths in the Pleasure Park will qualify for funds and has received confirmation that £17, 598.96 of available monies have been allocated to the project. However, the funds appear to be insufficient for the whole project. Action – Fiona to contact Council to clarify responsibilities for obtaining additional quotes and commissioning the work.

Carpenters Croft/Kirkton of Skene Flooding Issues: Alan Edwards has notified that the residents have now decided to take self-help measures to resolve the issues. Item closed.

Echt Footpath: Iris suggested the Council could look to do the Pleasure Park path and the B977 footpath as one project and that there may be monies available from the Active Travel budget to go towards it. Action – Fiona to contact Margaret-Jane Cardno

Community Resilience: Fiona submitted an application to the A96 Dualling Project Community Development Fund for money to pay for gas heaters/coal. There are no plans to make further funding applications. Item closed.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning application has been submitted and is open for public comment.

Heartstart Course: No progress. Item closed.

Milne Hall Signs: No signs yet. Action – Ron to chase Roads Department.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/0399 Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse – Cosyneuk, Echt AB32 6XL. No comment
  • APP/2018/0665 Part use of dwellinghouse for childminding business (Class 10) – Hillbrae, Echt, AB32 6XJ. No comment.
  • APP/2018/0584 Installation of 15 lead slate roof vents – Echt Parish Church. No comment.
  • APP/2018/0559 Erection of bus shelter – Lyne of Skene Village Hall. No comment.

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2017/ 1802 Continued use of Buildings for Class 5 (General Industrial): Non-compliance with Condition 1 (Time) of Full Planning Permission Ref. APP/2015/0663 Units 4 and 5 South Fornet, Skene – APPEALED Reporter made unaccompanied site visit. Decision still awaited.

Treasurer’s Report:

Council grant of £1360 received for Echt PC. £202 spent on 2 planning applications, £7.19 on printing paper and £81.98 on flower barrels and compost for Lyne of Skene.

Cash in bank: £2195.83 Cash in hand: £44.97

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • None


  • Alan Edwards has resigned from ESCC
  • Garlogie footpath is in poor state and is crumbling at edge to extent that it is no longer wide enough in placesy. Pedestrians are therefore having to walk on the road instead. Action – John to write to Scott Walker requesting kerbing
  • Clr Alistair McKelvie circulated the list of road maintenance, pathway and lighting projects to be executed by the Council in Westhill area in 2018-19.

Future meetings:

16th May                                          Lyne of Skene

20th June (AGM)                             Echt Hall