Minute of meeting held 16th May in Lyne of Skene Hall at 7:30pm
Present: Fiona Bick (Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Klaus Wahle, Wendy Duncan, Councillor Alistair McKelvie, Alison Cumming (Aberdeenshire Council), 4 Echt residents and 1 Garlogie resident, PC Cockburn (MOD Police), PC Presland (MOD Police).
Apologies: Cllr Iris Walker & David Aitchison, Mary Gray, Brian Poppleton
Minute of last meeting: Accepted
Approval of new Echt & Skene Community Council Constitution: The revised constitution was proposed by Fiona Bick and seconded by Nick Pilbeam. It was unanimously approved with immediate effect.
Review of Aberdeenshire LDP 2021 Developer Bids: A discussion took place of some 18 bid sites in the ESCC area put forward for development. A Council seminar is scheduled to take place on 12th June to discuss all of the Garioch Area bids which Fiona and Nick will attend to represent the consensus views of the ESCC.
Community Councillor Election Nominations: The ESCC has 3 vacancies arising as a result of resignations and 3 arising as a result of community councillors having completed 3 years in post. Under the new elections procedures nomination forms have to be returned to the Garioch Area Committee Officer by 31st May.
Police Report: No Police report received.
Other Agenda items:
Echt Public Convenience: The planning application for the replacement toilet was submitted in April. Discussions are ongoing with the planning officer concerning the final design of the building.
Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): The Council has identified a further £10,000 of developer contributions which are available to fund the project, which will enable the whole perimeter path to be completed. Fiona will attend a site meeting on 21st May with the Council landscaping department and the contractor with a view to work commencing within the next few months.
Echt Footpath: The Council advised against trying to combine this project with the Pleasure Park path given that the full funding is now available for the latter. No progress otherwise.
Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning decision awaited.
Milne Hall Signs: No signs yet. Action – Alistair McKelvie to chase Roads Department.
- Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan MIR – closes 21st May. Action – Fiona will draft an ESCC response largely supporting the status quo
- Scottish Govt Licensing Procedure Consultation – closes 6th June. Individual responses to be made.
- SEPA Flood Risk Management – closes 31st July
New Planning Applications:
- APP/2018/0860 Formation of Decking (retrospective) – 1 Glebe Terrace, Kirkton of Skene – No comment
- APP/2018/0792 Erection of Public Convenience – Echt Pleasure Park – no comment
Prior Planning Applications:
- APP/2017/ 1802 Continued use of Buildings for Class 5 (General Industrial): Non-compliance with Condition 1 (Time) of Full Planning Permission Ref. APP/2015/0663 Units 4 and 5 South Fornet, Skene – APPEAL ALLOWED
The ESCC noted that this planning decision exposes a loophole in the planning system that allows breaches of carefully considered and agreed policies. Rogue businesses will be encouraged to start up in inappropriate locations knowing that there is an opportunity to break the planning regulations with impunity.
Treasurer’s Report:
Cash in bank: £2071.14 Cash in hand: £34.93
Council grant of £1360 ringfenced for Echt PC. Cheque for £68.83 pending for planning application advertisement. The Treasurer requested any outstanding claims for expenses be made by 25th May for the accounts to be ready for the AGM.
Correspondence/Upcoming Events:
- Notice received from Kirkwood Homes regarding further public consultation on the housing development west of Tillybrig, Dunecht – 31st May 3.30-7.30pm Dunecht Hall.
- Aberdeenshire LDP Bids Seminar 12th June 11am Gordon House, Inverurie
- GACCF 6th June 7pm Inverurie Townhall – main topic will be community engagement and community planning.
- Iris Walker has arranged a meeting in Kirkton of Skene between the Council and local residents to discuss measures which will be implemented by the Council to alleviate flood risk in the village
- GDPR –check with those on the ESCC Info distribution list that they are happy to continue receiving ESCC emails. Action – Fiona
- Garlogie footpath – no reply from Roads department yet. Action – John to follow up
- Garlogie Broadband – it was noted that Andrew Bowie MP will attend a meeting in the village on 15th August on this topic
- 2 untaxed cars have been abandoned in Barmekin Park – these can be reported on the Council’s Road Faults web page
- Council Service Point – it was noted that people are enduring long waits when calling the new telephone number with no indication being given of their place in the queue – Action – Alistair McKelvie to follow up
- Kingsford Stadium – the Westhill councillors had a meeting with the NKS campaign group and were informed that the group are proceeding with an application for a judicial review.
Future meetings:
20th June (AGM) Echt Hall