Minute of Meeting 8th August 2018 Dunecht Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail.

 Apologies: Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison, John Foulkes

Minute of last meeting: Approved

Police Report: None received. Iris Walker advised that Westhill has a new sergeant in place and will forward a contact email address for the ESCC distribution list.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: Fiona attended a site meeting with Bert McIntosh and Tom Buchan from the Council in early July. Bert has been invited to resubmit his quote for demolition of the existing toilet by the end of August. Fiona has researched the position regarding ongoing running costs for the replacement toilet. A public convenience within a public park is not liable for business rates and 100% relief for water/sewerage charges can be obtained if the customer is a registered charity. It was agreed that it would be best if the new PC were managed by a group from Echt village rather than the ESCC, none of whom currently reside within Echt. Fiona will explore options for this.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: The shelter was successfully erected by a group of 5 local residents in July. The ESCC will reimburse the costs of cement, etc. Closed.

Milne Hall Signs: Roads Department has agreed to put up the signs. Ron to chase.

Garlogie Footpath: Parts of the path have been washed away by water thrown up by passing traffic during heavy rain. Roads Department are to produce costings for repair and improvements including the provision of kerbing but it is unlikely the Council will find a budget to cover the costs.

Kirkton of Skene Flood Mitigation Meeting: The Council is to open up a connection of the flood relief ditch in the field to the north of Carpenter’s Croft to the Beechy Burn and to use soil from the ditch to stop up the dry stone wall to try and prevent water flowing through the gardens.

Treasurer’s Report:

The annual grant of £626.22 has been received from the Council. £1360 is held for the new Echt public convenience.

Cash in bank: £2629.36 Cash in hand: £17.32

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Community Councillor Induction Event 22nd August 7pm Gordon House – Grant may attend
  • Community Council Networking Event Saturday 15th September at Woodhill House. Topics include Car Parking, Roads Development, Waste Recycling


  • Klaus Wahle attended the AWPR briefing for CCs in June. No firm date has yet been declared for completion and opening. The River Don crossing is the critical unfinished component with the rest of the road largely ready.

Future meetings:

19th September 2018      Garlogie

31st October 2018             Kirkton of Skene

12th December 2018        Lyne of Skene

30th January 2019             Echt

13th March 2019                Dunecht

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene