Minute of Meeting 20th June 2018 Echt Hall

Echt & Skene Community Council

Minute of meeting held 20th June 2018 in Echt Hall following AGM

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Klaus Wahle, Mary Gray, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, PC Steve Middleton, 3 residents from Echt.

Apologies: Wendy Duncan, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison

Minute of last meeting: Two amendments were noted to the minute of the last meeting – namely, Cllr Iris Walker was not present but sent apologies, and, under AOCB, the meeting in Kirkton of Skene to discuss flood mitigation measures was arranged by Iris rather than being attended by her.

Police Report: PC Steve Middleton informed the meeting there had been 4 speeding offences on the A944 and the theft of a motorbike in Echt. A speed camera had been set up at Dunecht to monitor traffic coming from Sauchen following a request from the school. The CC asked for the camera to be deployed in Garlogie and Echt as well. He warned residents to be wary of rogue traders cold-calling at houses – there have been a number of reports of these in the area.

Other Agenda items:

Watering of Echt Flower Barrels: George Glennie made a request for assistance with watering the flower barrels in Echt. A local Echt resident offered to loan an IBC tank which could be placed on a trailer and filled with water for easy transport around the village. Closed

Feedback on Aberdeenshire LDP 2021 Developer Bids Seminar: Fiona attended the seminar for ESCC. None of the developer bid sites in the ESCC area are to be taken forward as preferred in the next LDP except that two of the sites (GR093 at Echt and GR094 at Dunecht) will be placed on the reserve list and may be allocated if the new City & Shire Strategic Development Plan increases the housing supply target. Closed

Feedback on Kirkwood Homes Public Consultation for land west of Tillybrig, Dunecht: No-one from the CC attended the consultation.

Echt Public Convenience: The planning application for the replacement toilet was approved. Fiona is arranging a site meeting with Bert McIntosh and the Council.

Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): The path was installed during the week commencing 11th June with minimal disruption and is proving popular. Closed

Echt Footpath: The path request is one of a number for small settlements in Aberdeenshire but the Council doesn’t have sufficient monies to allocate funding for it. Closed.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning permission was granted. The Council is due to deliver the shelter in early July for a work team of local residents to install it.

Milne Hall Signs: Roads Department has agreed to put up the signs. Not actioned yet.

Garlogie Footpath: The footpath alongside the B9119 is crumbling onto the road due to the absence of kerbing to contain it. Iris advised there was no money available to provide kerbing but said she would speak to the Roads Department about levelling it off.

Kirkton of Skene Flood Mitigation Meeting: Iris said she had received a report of the meeting which occurred on 21st May between Alan Edwards, Kenny Freeman, the Rogiehill farmer and Lee Watson, and would circulate it.


  • SEPA Flood Risk Management – closes 31st July

 Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2015.14 Cash in hand: £19.83

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Garioch Partnership AGM is on 27th June 7pm at Fly Cup, Inverurie
  • AWPR Briefing 26th June 6pm Woodhill House – Klaus will try to attend


  • Iris Walker informed the meeting that planning permission in principle had been given by the GAC for a house at Newton Smiddy on the basis of agricultural need (APP/2018/0259).