Minute of meeting held 19th September in Garlogie Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail.

 Apologies: Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison, Mary Gray

Minute of last meeting: Approved

Police Report: None received. Fiona to follow up with new Westhill sergeant.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: Fiona has spoken with members of the Echt Hall Committee who will discuss whether they might take on management of the new toilet at their next meeting. It appears uncertain as to whether there are now sufficient funds available to build the new toilet.

Milne Hall Signs: Signs not yet in place.

Garlogie Footpath: Roads Department were able to re-allocate funds to install a new pavement with kerbing between the Garlogie Inn and the houses to the east. The Community Council expressed their thanks to Iris Walker for obtaining this outcome with the Roads Department. The remaining section of pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris though.

Kirkton of Skene Flood Mitigation Meeting: The Council has now cleared the flood relief ditch in the field to the north of Carpenter’s Croft and connected it to the Beechy Burn. Closed

Treasurer’s Report:

£107.69 spent on concrete for the installation of the Lyne of Skene bus shelter.

Cash in bank: £2521.67 Cash in hand: £17.42

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2110 Condition 1 (a) Siting, Design, Layout, External Appearance, Finishing Materials, Bin Uplift, Driveway, Vehicle Parking and Turning Area; (b) Means of Access including Visibility Splays and Vehicle Layby at Junction; (c) Landscaping Scheme; (d) Levels Survey and Cross Sections; (e) Foul and Surface Water Disposal) of Planning Permission in Principle Reference APP/2018/0259 Erection of Dwellinghouse – Site east of Newton Smiddy, Dunecht – The site ground level has been reduced so that only the roof of the new 1½ storey house will be visible from the B9126. No objection.
  • APP/2018/1838 Erection of workshop and store (Class 5 General industrial) – Gas Compressor Station, Echt AB32 6US – No objection

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Aberdeenshire Waste Strategy Consultation – closes 28th September. Ron advised that the GAC had voted to support option 4 of the options proposed by the Waste Management Team.
  • Stagecoach AWPR Bus Routes Consultation – closes 21st September
  • Scotland Policy Conferences Keynote Seminar Implementing planning reform – funding, coordination and further steps for policy 23rd October 2018 in Edinburgh . Fiona might be able to attend.


  • A number of people on the ESCC distribution lists have reported problems receiving emails. Nick advised some email providers have filters which may be causing them to discard the emails so he will change the list set-up to avoid this happening in future.
  • Grant suggested that the ESCC should have a greater social media presence beyond the website. Fiona will investigate setting up a Facebook page.
  • Problems reported again in being able to contact the right people in the Council when issues arise – the helpline service appears to be under-resourced with long waiting times. The Councillors present suggested they were willing to act as a conduit to make direct contact.
  • Echt Nursery made a request for assistance from a CSCS registered builder to complete their outdoor play area project. It was suggested they contact the Echt PTA or Kirkwood Homes.
  • Iris advised that the proposed new Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan has been published and will be discussed at the forthcoming full Aberdeenshire Council meeting.

Future meetings:

30th October 2018          Milne Hall, Kirkton of Skene

12th December 2018      Lyne of Skene

30th January 2019           Echt

13th March 2019             Dunecht

24th April 2019                Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene