Minute of Meeting 13th March 2019 Dunecht Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Nick Pilbeam, Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Ron McKail, Alison Cumming, 1 Echt resident, 3 Skene residents

Apologies: Mary Gray, Brian Poppleton, Alan Holmes, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison

Minute of last meeting: Approved.

Police Report: No Police report received since the last meeting.

Other Agenda items:

Skene School Crossing Safety: The speed survey is still to be done by Roads department ACTION: Cllr McKail to follow up status of speed survey.

Garlogie Footpath: No progress.

Garlogie Dog Fouling: Dog fouling between the hall and the dam continues to be an issue A video of the offence was sent to Dunecht Estates they don’t appear to have followed the matter up. ACTION: John to write to Dunecht Estates

Forbes Park Landscaping: John wrote to Kirkwood homes but has received no reply. John to escalate with complaint to Planning Enforcement.

Proposals for £1190 project funding: Four options are now proposed:

  1. Defibrillator for Lyne of Skene (initial positive response from residents and a meeting is taking place on 27th March) – cost ca. £2000
  2. Trace heating for Garlogie Hall main water supply to prevent winter freezing (£287 for installation)
  3. Milne Hall extension – the hall committee still need ca. £40,000 of additional funding to commence the project
  4. Dunecht Golf club has already bought a defibrillator and is looking for funds to purchase a cabinet for it – cost ca. £350

It was unanimously agreed to divide the money equally between the four projects.

Aberdeenshire LDP Main Issues Report Consultation Process: A discussion of the development bids in the ESCC area took place. Only two sites are considered as possibilities by planning officers – they view GR093 south of the B9119 in Echt as a preference, and GR094 in Dunecht as a reserve site. The Community Council felt that GR092 (to the N of the B9119 and adjacent to the recent Kirkwood Homes development) should be preferred over GR093 since the officers saw little difference in the merits of either, and provision for accessing GR092 is already in place via Forbes Way. The ESCC also felt that a further 50 houses at Dunecht on site GR094 would be very difficult to integrate into this small community. The ESCC is content that all other bid sites should be rejected.

There had been a separate session to discuss the MIR on 6th February and a draft response to the policy proposals has been circulated for comment. ACTION: Comments to be provided on the draft response by 20th March. Fiona to submit response thereafter by 5th April.

GACCF 7th March Feedback: A presentation was made on the Health and Social Care Partnership. The June Forum will feature waste and recycling.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2019/0406 Erection of signboard and 9 flagpoles – Land west of Tillybrig, Dunecht – No comment
  • APP/2019/0407 Siting of temporary marketing suite – Land west of Tillybrig, Dunecht – No comment

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2019/0120 Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse – Millstone House, Greystone Road, Dunecht AB32 7BS. PENDING. In answer to a question from local residents as to why the ESCC had objected to the application, it was explained that the ESCC did not wish to prevent an extension to the property but objects to the design, which is out of keeping with the traditional vernacular appearance of the converted steading.
  • APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX. PENDING
  • APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
  • APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill. APPROVED by GAC on 5th February despite representations against grant
  • APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. PENDING

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2408.97 Cash in hand: £7.32

The financial year-end will be 31st March 2019 and the treasurer requested all invoices/receipts be passed to him before then.

The ESCC public liability insurance is due for renewal shortly. Aberdeenshire Council is still discussing the process for payment with Moray Council and the insurers and will advise the outcome to CCs in Aberdeenshire once agreed.

Community Council Elections 2019:

3 Community Councillors come to end of their 3-year term this year – John Foulkes advised he would not be standing for re-election but Fiona Bick and Klaus Wahle will stand for re-election. In addition there are currently 3 other vacancies to be filled.

ACTION: John to make provisional booking of Dunecht Hall for potential ballot at end May.

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

Doors Open Days 14-15th September 2019 – there were no suggestions for buildings in ESCC area which could be offered up for this event


Garlogie Broadband: It was noted that despite the interest shown by Andrew Bowie MP in the lack of broadband in Garlogie, it seems there is no chance of fibre being installed in the short to medium term and the only options for residents are wireless broadband from CaleyCom or satellite.

Future meetings:

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene