Minute of Meeting 1st August 2019 Milne Hall, Kirkton of Skene

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Steve Gibson, Grant Duguid, Klaus Wahle, George Glennie

Apologies: Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Niall MacBeath, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr David Aitchison
Minute of last meeting: Approved.
Police Report: A police report was received and is  attached Police Report Aug 19. No police officer attended. It was noted that behaviour at the Echt Show was better this year than last, but the event was still not entirely trouble-free.
Co-Option of Klaus Wahle to ESCC: A notice was issued on 14th July to all Community Council members of the proposed co-option of Klaus Wahle to the ESCC. The proposal was agreed unanimously by the members present.
ESCC Treasurer: With the resignation of Brian Poppleton from the ESCC the members need to appoint a new Treasurer, but none of the current ESCC members is willing to take on the role at the moment. However, Brian has offered to continue in post as an independent Treasurer until the next AGM. It was unanimously agreed to appoint Brian Poppleton as an independent Treasurer.
Community Resilience Checks: Item deferred until next meeting attended by Nick Pilbeam.
Other Agenda items:
Skene School Crossing Safety: No progress since last meeting on speed survey or road markings/signage.
Forbes Park Landscaping: Item retained on agenda pending autumn planting of new trees.

Kirkton of Skene Playgroup donation: Fiona advised that the playgroup is a registered charity with OSCR. It was therefore agreed to give a donation of £150 from ESCC funds.

New Planning Applications:
• APP/2019/0929 Internal Alterations, installation of rooflights, extract vents and boiler flue – Tower Lodges South, Dunecht AB32 6YJ. No comment.
• APP/2019/1747 Erection of Dwellinghouse – Site at Broomhill Farm, Lyne of Skene. The members noted that it appeared the application was unlikely to comply with planning policy. No comment.

Prior Planning Applications:
• APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP GRANTED
• APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX GRANTED
• APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX GRANTED

Treasurer’s Report:
Cash in bank £1053.45
Cash in Hand £52.06

£30 has been spent on Scotways subscription and hall rental since the last meeting. Also, £750 was received from the Council for the Lyne of Skene defibrillator and passed on to the project committee.

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:
• NESTRANS Online Consultation (www.nestrans2040.org.uk) -Members advised to make their own submissions.
• David Kerschbaum dissertation research request – Fiona offered to respond
• SSEN Transmission draft Business Plan consultation (12th August Doubletree Hilton, Aberdeen) – Fiona has registered to attend.
• BT Phone Boxes – BT are proposing to remove the Kirkton of Skene and Echt public phone boxes again. The members feel that villages should have a public phone facility and these should therefore be retained. Klaus to respond on behalf of ESCC.
• Community Council Networking Event – Woodhill House 28th September 2019. Steve Gibson will register to attend.
• GACCF – usually occurs on first Wednesday of each calendar quarter. Klaus to write to Alison Cumming and enquire about agenda and venue.

Helimed Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme: Steve Gibson proposed that the ESCC promote this scheme to recycle crisp packets in order to provide funds for the Helimed air ambulance service. He volunteered to drop leaflets with the local schools and deliver any crisp packets collected to the Helimed.

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