Proposed Hill of Fare Wind Farm – CURRENT STATUS


RES, in partnership with Dunecht Estates, has made an application to install a wind farm on the summit plateau of the Hill of Fare. The application can be viewed online at :
Scottish Government – Energy Consents Unit – Application Details

The application consists of 16 turbines on the summit plateau, each 180-200m (600-650’) tall to the blade tip.  At this height they will be lit at night for aviation avoidance. The total capacity will be greater than 50MW so the application will be determined by the Energy Consents Unit in Edinburgh on behalf of Scottish Ministers, and not by Aberdeenshire Council.

In line with the results of the Community Council’s survey of residents’ opinions on the wind farm, ESCC’s position is one of opposition to this proposed development.

On 14th October 2024 Aberdeenshire Council submitted an objection to the application in its position as a statutory consultee. The Council’s objection will trigger the requirement for a Public Local Inquiry (PLI) to allow all interested parties to air their views in front of the Reporter appointed by the Energy Consents Unit to assess the application and make a recommendation to Scottish Ministers. A date for the PLI has not yet been set.