Minute of Meeting 31st January Echt Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton, Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail, PC Steve Middleton, PC James Stewart, 4 Echt residents, 3 Dunecht residents

 Apologies: Mary Gray, Nick Pilbeam, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison

Minute of last meeting: Approved with amended apologies list.

Police Report: PC Steve Middleton gave a report for the last six weeks. There were 4 road traffic offences and no other crimes reported.

Other Agenda items:

Skene School Crossing Safety: The speed survey is still to be done by Roads department. Brian Poppleton suggested a 30mph speed limit be implemented from the A944 Smithy crossroads to past the school. Cllr Walker explained the road did not meet the criteria for 30mph. A larger school car park with a dedicated drop-off point behind the school might remove the need for the school patrol crossing. Alternatively, earlier warnings to drivers of the upcoming 20mph limit might be effective as they are expected to reduce speed from 60mph to just 20mph. ACTION: Cllr Walker to follow up mitigation options.

Garlogie Footpath: The remaining section of old pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris. Iris W has a job logged with Roads but it hasn’t been actioned yet.

Proposed Dunecht Conservation Area: Cheryl Roberts, Environmental Planner from Aberdeenshire Council, has submitted an item for publication in the next issue of the Westhill Bulletin. The formal consultation would commence in January 2020.

Garlogie Dog Fouling: Dog fouling between the hall and the dam is an issue with one particular resident refusing to pick up his dog’s mess. ACTION: The police will call on the individual concerned.

Proposals for £1190 project funding: Three options are proposed:

  1. Defibrillator for Lyne of Skene (dependent on volunteers coming forward to train in its use)
  2. Trace heating for Garlogie Hall main water supply to prevent winter freezing (John F to obtain quote for installation)
  3. Milne Hall extension – the hall committee still need ca. £40,000 of additional funding to commence the project

A 4th proposal to contribute towards the sculpture planned to celebrate Westhill’s 50th Anniversary was discounted as it is not in the ESCC area and it was felt that Westhill & Elrick CC are capable of providing significant funds.

The matter will be considered again at the next meeting when more information is available on options 1 and 2.

Aberdeenshire LDP Main Issues Report Consultation Process: The Main Issues Report was published on 14th January and the consultation closes on 8th April. There is a public drop-in session at Westhill Holiday Inn on 21st February 12.30-7pm by the Planning Policy team where the public will have an opportunity to discuss the MIR with the planners. It was agreed to hold a separate meeting to discuss the ESCC response on Wednesday 6th February and to bring the draft response back to the next full ESCC meeting on 13th March.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2019/0120 Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse – Millstone House, Greystone Road, Dunecht AB32 7BS. Objection – the design of the proposed first floor extension was felt to be unsympathetic to the traditional appearance of the converted steading building.
  • APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX. Objection –as for APP/2018/2226, objection regarding unsuitability of access roads for additional traffic and with additional concerns expressed with respect to disturbance to the residents of the adjacent cottages.
  • APP/2018/2976 Installation of 12 UPVC Windows – The Neuk, The Terrace, Echt, AB32 6UL. No comment – it was observed that modern UPVC windows can be almost indistinguishable from painted wooden windows.

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
  • APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill. PENDING – This application is on the GAC agenda for 5th February with a Planning Department recommendation to grant. The 3 Dunecht residents at the meeting expressed continued concern regarding their ongoing correspondence with SEPA about the inadequacy of the developer’s flood assessment. The Community Council advised submitting a Request to Speak so that they can articulate their concerns to the GAC.
  • APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. PENDING

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2408.97 Cash in hand: £7.32

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

Public Consultation on Affordable Housing Proposal in Elrick – Tesco Superstore 2-7pm 6th February

YOYP Event Invitation at Meldrum Academy 6-9pm 22nd February – there were no volunteers to attend


Echt Forbes Park Development Landscaping Conditions – it was noted the ESCC hasn’t yet received a response to the complaint submitted regarding non-compliance. ACTION: John to follow up

Future meetings:

13th March 2019                Dunecht

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene



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