Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton, Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, George Glennie, Wendy Duncan, Bert McIntosh, Cara Graham, PC Steve Middleton, PC James Stewart
Apologies: Mary Gray, Nick Pilbeam, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr David Aitchison
Minute of last meeting: Approved
Police Report: PC Steve Middleton gave a report for the past two months. There were 2 road traffic offences and no other crimes reported. PC Middleton is retiring soon and PC Stewart will then take over the role of community policing in Garioch.
Cara Graham, a Skene School parent, raised concerns about road safety outside the school at school drop-off and pick-up times. The temporary 20mph speed limit is frequently being ignored by drivers and the crossing patrol had reported an HGV driver to Police for threatening behaviour. It was discussed whether there need to be more obvious road markings/signage to indicate the 20 mph limit to traffic. PC Middleton has requested a speed survey be done by Roads department outside the school. ACTION: Cllr McKelvie is to follow up possible interventions with Roads Department.
Other Agenda items:
Echt Public Convenience: Fiona attended the Echt Hall Committee meeting on 31st October. The hall committee isn’t willing to take on management of the replacement public convenience and, in the absence of any other group of residents taking this on, the Community Council agreed that the project regrettably could not go forward. Bert McIntosh generously offered to cancel the MPH invoice for the purchase of the second-hand portaloo, which was originally to have been used as the replacement toilet and which has been stored in the MPH yard since March.
The Council plans to demolish the existing public convenience building before the end of the financial year but will consider proposals from the community about what to do with the site after demolition. The Echt residents present at the meeting felt that a rose garden would be appropriate.
A discussion then took place on what to do with the funding already received from the GAC. It was agreed that the balance of funds left after paying the planning application costs (£1190.17) should be spent on another project within the Community Council area. ACTION: Proposals will be brought to the next meeting for consideration.
Garlogie Footpath: The remaining section of old pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris. Iris W was to have contacted Roads. No update.
Proposed Dunecht Conservation Area: Cheryl Roberts, Environmental Planner from Aberdeenshire Council, is seeking feedback following the last ESCC meeting. The Community Council agreed to support the proposal in principle. ACTION: Fiona to respond accordingly.
A96 Inverurie to Huntly CC Meeting 13th November Feedback: Fiona attended the meeting at which the short-listed routes were presented. The process has rejected the option of following the existing Inverurie by-pass because it would involve demolishing around 40 properties, which the A96 team are instructed by Scottish government to avoid. Concerns were raised at the meeting that the route options to the north and south of Inverurie would cost more and result in significant loss of farmland as well as exposing more rural areas to traffic noise.
GACCF Forum 14th November – Strategic Development Plan MIR Feedback: No-one from ESCC attended this meeting.
GACCF Meeting 5th December: John Foulkes attended the meeting. Community Action Plans were discussed. John pointed out that Echt & Skene CC had conducted a similar community planning exercise around 20 years ago but none of the facilities which the community expressed a wish for at the time had materialised. It was suggested that the traffic impact of the AWPR opening be proposed for the agenda in March or June. ACTION: John to pass on suggested topic to Alison Cumming.
New Planning Applications:
- APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. Objection with respect to intrusive lighting over the manege from the prominent hilltop location
Prior Planning Applications:
- APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
- APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill PENDING
- APP/2018/2508 Alteration and extension to agricultural building – Millbuie, Skene, Westhill AB32 6YP APPROVED
Treasurer’s Report:
Cash in bank: £2458.97 Cash in hand: £17.32
Correspondence/Upcoming Events:
- Community Council Induction Training in Planning Matters 30th January 7pm at Gordon House. A number of Community Councillors expressed an intention to attend. It was agreed to move to move the next ESCC meeting to 31st January to avoid a clash of dates.
Cllr McKelvie informed the meeting about a recent meeting in Westhill on Mental Health and Wellbeing, and his recent visit to the NHS Equipment Store in Inverurie, which contains a vast array of equipment including wheelchairs, walking sticks, frames, aids for the blind, deaf, disabled, alarms, telephony, & technical materials. This equipment is available to support Independent Living whether on a permanent or temporary basis. The equipment can be sourced via GPs, Practice Nurses, Physio or District nurse. It is also possible for temporary needs to contact the Store directly for collection of a select number of items.