Minute of meeting 30th October 2018

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Mary Gray, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, 6 Dunecht residents, 3 Echt residents, Cheryl Roberts (Aberdeenshire Council Environmental Planner), Cllr Iris Walker

 Apologies: Klaus Wahle, Brian Poppleton

Minute of last meeting: Approved

Police Report: None received. It is now 5 months since we received a police report or had police attend an ESCC meeting.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: Fiona to attend the Echt Hall Committee AGM on 31 October to discuss management of the new toilet.

Milne Hall Signs: Signs have now been erected. CLOSED

Garlogie Footpath: The remaining section of old pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris. Iris W was to have contacted Roads.

Proposed Dunecht Conservation Area: Cheryl Roberts, Environmental Planner from Aberdeenshire Council, attended the meeting to explain why Dunecht was being considered for Conservation Area status, what the designation would mean in practical terms and how it would affect local residents. It was explained that the Conservation Area would not necessarily cover the whole village and would be subject to an 8 week consultation period. It was suggested that Skene Heritage Society would have an interest and that the Westhill Bullletin would be a good place to advertise a drop-in session to gauge local opinion more widely.

 Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2466.67 Cash in hand: £17.32

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2405 Demolition of outbuildings and erection of 3 houses with detached garages – Barnton Farm, Echt – No comment.
  • APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX – Objection.
  • APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill – Objection. The residents of Dunecht gave a presentation to explain the concerns of Tillybrig householders about the impact on flood risk for their properties as a result of the proposed development.
  • APP/2018/2508 Alteration and extension to agricultural building – Millbuie, Skene, Westhill AB32 6YP – Objection. This proposed development appears to be to support the unauthorised horse livery business operating at the farm rather than agricultural activity. Aberdeenshire Council served an enforcement notice in January 2018 requiring a planning application to be submitted in respect of the livery and no action has been taken to follow up.

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Aberdeen City & Shire Proposed Strategic Development Plan Consultation – closes 17th December. Comments to be sent to Fiona, who will collate a response
  • A96 Inverurie to Huntly Dualling Community Council Forum 2-3.30pm 13th Nov at Garioch Centre, Inverurie. The short-listed options do not include the Bennachie route but all involve substantial detours around Inverurie since the contractors are instructed to avoid demolition. Fiona will attend.
  • Garioch Area Community Council Forum Meeting – early December. A GACCF meeting was held in September but notice of this meeting wasn’t received by ESCC members. Iris Walker advised there was a presentation on Planning Enforcement – she will arrange for a copy to be forwarded.


  • Kirkwood Homes Echt Phase 2 Development – an Echt resident raised a concern regarding potential non-compliance with the landscaping conditions of the planning permission. The ESCC will submit a complaint.
  • Barmekin Park – concerns have been raised regarding inappropriate use of the car parking area for storage/disposal of waste materials. Council waste team has been advised.

Future meetings:

12th December 2018        Lyne of Skene

30th January 2019             Echt

13th March 2019                Dunecht

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene




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