Meeting Minutes
Minute of Meeting 30th January 2020 in Garlogie Hall
Minute of Meeting 19th December 2019 Lyne of Skene Hall
Minute of meeting 31st October 2019 at Dunecht Hall
Minute of Meeting 5th September 2019 at Echt Hall
Minute of EGM 24th April 2019
Minute of Meeting 1st August 2019 Milne Hall, Kirkton of Skene
Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Steve Gibson, Grant Duguid, Klaus Wahle, George Glennie
Apologies: Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Niall MacBeath, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr David Aitchison
Minute of last meeting: Approved.
Police Report: A police report was received and is attached Police Report Aug 19. No police officer attended. It was noted that behaviour at the Echt Show was better this year than last, but the event was still not entirely trouble-free.
Co-Option of Klaus Wahle to ESCC: A notice was issued on 14th July to all Community Council members of the proposed co-option of Klaus Wahle to the ESCC. The proposal was agreed unanimously by the members present.
ESCC Treasurer: With the resignation of Brian Poppleton from the ESCC the members need to appoint a new Treasurer, but none of the current ESCC members is willing to take on the role at the moment. However, Brian has offered to continue in post as an independent Treasurer until the next AGM. It was unanimously agreed to appoint Brian Poppleton as an independent Treasurer.
Community Resilience Checks: Item deferred until next meeting attended by Nick Pilbeam.
Other Agenda items:
Skene School Crossing Safety: No progress since last meeting on speed survey or road markings/signage.
Forbes Park Landscaping: Item retained on agenda pending autumn planting of new trees.
Kirkton of Skene Playgroup donation: Fiona advised that the playgroup is a registered charity with OSCR. It was therefore agreed to give a donation of £150 from ESCC funds.
New Planning Applications:
• APP/2019/0929 Internal Alterations, installation of rooflights, extract vents and boiler flue – Tower Lodges South, Dunecht AB32 6YJ. No comment.
• APP/2019/1747 Erection of Dwellinghouse – Site at Broomhill Farm, Lyne of Skene. The members noted that it appeared the application was unlikely to comply with planning policy. No comment.
Prior Planning Applications:
• APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP GRANTED
• APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX GRANTED
• APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX GRANTED
Treasurer’s Report:
Cash in bank £1053.45
Cash in Hand £52.06
£30 has been spent on Scotways subscription and hall rental since the last meeting. Also, £750 was received from the Council for the Lyne of Skene defibrillator and passed on to the project committee.
Correspondence/Upcoming Events:
• NESTRANS Online Consultation ( -Members advised to make their own submissions.
• David Kerschbaum dissertation research request – Fiona offered to respond
• SSEN Transmission draft Business Plan consultation (12th August Doubletree Hilton, Aberdeen) – Fiona has registered to attend.
• BT Phone Boxes – BT are proposing to remove the Kirkton of Skene and Echt public phone boxes again. The members feel that villages should have a public phone facility and these should therefore be retained. Klaus to respond on behalf of ESCC.
• Community Council Networking Event – Woodhill House 28th September 2019. Steve Gibson will register to attend.
• GACCF – usually occurs on first Wednesday of each calendar quarter. Klaus to write to Alison Cumming and enquire about agenda and venue.
Helimed Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme: Steve Gibson proposed that the ESCC promote this scheme to recycle crisp packets in order to provide funds for the Helimed air ambulance service. He volunteered to drop leaflets with the local schools and deliver any crisp packets collected to the Helimed.
Minute of Annual General Meeting 12th June 2019 Lyne of Skee Hall
Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Klaus Wahle, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Niall McBeath, Steve Gibson.
Apologies: Mary Gray, Brian Poppleton, Grant Duguid, Cllr David Aitchison
Minute of last A.G.M. – No matters arising therefore minute proposed by Nick Pilbeam, seconded by John Foulkes
Election of Members:
John Foulkes and Brian Poppleton stepped down from the Community Council and did not wish to stand for re-election. In accordance with the new Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils, Fiona Bick and Klaus Wahle each came to the end of their three year tenure. Fiona Bick had nominated herself for re-election and was duly re-elected. Steve Gibson and Niall McBeath had also nominated themselves and were duly elected as new members of the Community Council.
Election of Office Bearers:
Fiona Bick as chairperson, Nick Pilbeam as vice chairperson, Grant Duguid as Treasurer. Klaus Wahle expressed a wish to be co-opted onto the Community Council at the next meeting and agreed to be Secretary.
Treasurer’s Report:
Echt & Skene Community Council Accounts 2017-18
Acceptance of Accounts:
Proposed by Fiona Bick and seconded by John Foulkes. The accounts were unanimously accepted.
Chairman’s Report:
This last year has seen a number of facility improvements taking place in our villages.
We’re grateful to the Council for taking steps last summer to improve the flood relief drain at Carpenter’s Croft in Kirkton of Skene and very much hope this will see an end to the flooding problems experienced by households previously. We’re also grateful to the Council for the new tarmac footpath they installed at Garlogie, which has improved safety and connectivity for pedestrians in the village.
The new bus shelter project here at Lyne of Skene Hall was completed by village residents in July last year and has been providing welcome respite from the weather for children awaiting school transport.
Unfortunately, the project to replace the Echt public convenience with a smaller community-run facility was unable to proceed due to a lack of support from local residents. The existing toilets are now closed. But on the plus side, we were able to allocate the remaining funds previously set aside for it to other community projects. The funds will be used to support new defibrillators at Dunecht Golf Club and Lyne of Skene, trace heating for Garlogie Hall’s water supply and improvements at the Milne Hall in Kirkton of Skene.
On planning policy the Community Council has been active in representing the views of residents and submitted comments on the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report consultation in April. We were satisfied that the planning policy team took note of the majority of our concerns expressed last year regarding the bid sites, but we continue to have concerns about other policy aspects of the proposed Plan.
This year sadly we say goodbye to our long-standing Secretary, John Foulkes, and our Treasurer, Brian Poppleton, who have both decided not to stand for re-election. John has served on the ESCC for 33 years and his experience and wisdom will be sorely missed but we wish him and Shirley well as they spend more time away in their campervan visiting family and friends. Brian has served more than 10 years and we will also miss his forthright contributions to our discussions.
However, I’m very pleased to welcome two new members– Steve and Niall, both from Lyne of Skene. There are still vacancies to be filled and if there are others in the community who would like to get involved then we would be pleased to welcome them.
A.O.C.B None
Minute of Meeting 12th June 2019 Lyne of Skene Hall
Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes, Nick Pilbeam, Klaus Wahle, Ian MacMaster, Steve Gibson, Niall Macbeath, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Alistair McKelvie
Apologies: Mary Gray, Grant Duguid, Cllr David Aitchison
Minute of last meeting: Approved.
Police Report: No Police report received since the January meeting. (Post meeting note – a report was received after the meeting and is attached for information.) It was reported by Ron McKail that speed checks were carried out by the police in Lyne of Skene and near Mason Lodge the previous week and 17 speeding tickets were issued.
Other Agenda items:
Skene School Crossing Safety: No progress since last meeting on speed survey or road markings/signage. The Quality Improvement Officer has met with the Head Teacher to look at options to enlarge the school car park but there is limited scope.
Garlogie Dog Fouling: The dog fouling nuisance in the village has ceased following the intervention of the Council dog warden. CLOSED
Forbes Park Landscaping: John followed up tree planting issue with Alan Rae of Kirkwood Homes, who said they would attend to it in the autumn.
Garlogie Cottages Refuse Collection: The residents had received letters from the Waste Department regarding difficulties for bin lorry access due to a parked car. The owner of the car has now been informed of the issue and is parking elsewhere. CLOSED
New Planning Applications:
• APP/2019/1138 Installation of Oil Tank and Fence – Echt Parish Church. No comment.
• APP/2019/1139 Installation of Oil Tank and Fence – Echt Parish Church. No comment.
• APP/2019/1082 Erection of Cattle Court Building – Southbank, Skene (Prior notification approved) No comment.
• APP/2019/0914 Change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage and erection of garage – Little Acre, Lyne of Skene. No comment.
Prior Planning Applications:
• APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX. PENDING
• APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
• APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. PENDING
Treasurer’s Report:
Cash in bank £1133.45
Cash in Hand £2.06
£300 has been donated to the fund for the defibrillator for Lyne of Skene since the last meeting.
Correspondence/Upcoming Events:
• Dunecht Housing Development – the ESCC was asked to comment on the developer’s proposed street names – Cowdray Meadows for the affordable houses fronting the main road and Corskie Crescent for the houses behind. The members felt that it was divisive to give the affordable houses a different address and felt that a single street name should be used for all the houses. Corskie Park or Cowdray Circle were suggested alternatives.
• Echt Primary School Football Festival is to take place on 22nd June 10-2.30pm
• Garioch Area Bus Forum was postponed to 20th June
Littering in Echt – Echt School have advised they do two litter picks each year (usually in March and October). It was noted that the Council have responsibility to ensure roadsides are clear of litter and a request can be logged on the council website.
GACCF – Recycling was the main topic at the June meeting. Paint cannot be left at any Shire Recycling Centre but Aberdeen City Council will take it. Charities can ask for re-usable items to be put aside for them but not members of the public.
Kirkton of Skene Playgroup has asked for a donation to assist them in creating a new outdoor play area. It was agreed to give them £150 subject to confirmation that they are a charity/non-profit organisation.
Lyne of Skene Defibrillator – is nearly fully funded now. The cabinet location is to be agreed with the Council and must be fitted by a Council electrician.
Lyne of Skene Broadband – BT has now installed fibre broadband to a cabinet at the crossroads so speeds up to 60 MBS are now available in the village.
John Foulkes Presentation – John Foulkes was presented with a framed certificate from Aberdeenshire Council to thank him for his 33 years’ service as a Community Councillor for Echt & Skene.
Minute of Meeting 24th April 2019 Garlogie Hall
Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Nick Pilbeam, Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr Iris Walker, 1 Echt resident
Apologies: Mary Gray, Brian Poppleton, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison
Minute of last meeting: Approved.
Police Report: No Police report received since the January meeting.
Community Council Elections 2019: Posters and nomination forms have been received from Aberdeenshire Council. John will distribute these around the villages. Nomination forms will be available from the village shops. Fiona will post details on the website. The nomination period is from 1st-22nd May with a ballot on 29th May 6-9pm at Dunecht Hall if there are more candidates than vacancies. There are now 6 vacancies to fill as Brian Poppleton has tendered his resignation since the last meeting. There are 3 confirmed candidates and 1 potential candidate.
CC Scheme of Establishment Light Touch Review: The Council has asked the CCs to consider whether there are minor changes which could be made to improve the new Scheme. There were no comments to pass back.
Other Agenda items:
Skene School Crossing Safety: The speed survey is still to be done outside the school by Roads department. Cllr Ron McKail has also asked for the safety partnership speed monitoring device to be deployed. The Roads department has agreed to repaint the road markings and add a “Slow” sign on the road once the weather warms up.
Garlogie Footpath: The path has been cleared. CLOSED
Garlogie Dog Fouling: Cllr Ron McKail sent the contact details for the Council Dog Warden, who has provided some very useful advice. The trackway where the dog fouling is taking place is considered public land and offenders can be fined. The Dog Warden has written to the known offender to warn that he will be fined if he continues to allow his dog to foul the path without picking up.
Forbes Park Landscaping: John submitted a complaint to Planning Enforcement about non-compliance with the landscaping planning condition and received an auto-reply. He will follow up with Council.
New Planning Applications:
• None
Prior Planning Applications:
• APP/2019/0120 Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse – Millstone House, Greystone Road, Dunecht AB32 7BS. REFUSED.
• APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX. PENDING
• APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
• APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. PENDING
Treasurer’s Report:
No Treasurer’s Report was available.
Receipts have been submitted for payment for the trace heating for Garlogie Hall mains water supply and for the Dunecht Golf Club defibrillator cabinet. The Milne Hall Committee has also sent payment details for its share of funding.
The defibrillator for Lyne of Skene has been costed at £1371.46 plus electric heating supply. Nick Pilbeam is applying for funds from Garioch Partnership of £750 and will coordinate the payment of the ESCC funds when appropriate. The remaining funds will be raised by the residents.
Correspondence/Upcoming Events:
• Aberdeenshire Local Access Forum vacancies – there were no volunteers for this.
• British Heart Foundation CPR Training – a session is arranged for 10th June 2019 6.45-9.15pm Echt Hall. 17 out of 18 places are taken already.
• Hill of Fare Mountain Bike Race will be taking place again this year on 11th August 2019. Fiona will advise that the public convenience in Echt is now closed and they will have to provide portable toilets.
• Community Council Networking Event 28th September 2019 – noted
Doors Open Days 14-15th September 2019 – Fiona passed the details of this to a contact who’s leading a group trying to start a project to re-open the Garlogie Power Mill. (Post-meeting note: Aberdeenshire Museums Department has given the go-ahead for the Power Mill to be part of the event.)
Community Council Grants – The GAC proposes increasing the Base Grant to all CCs and reducing the per capita allowance, which would benefit the smaller CCs like Echt & Skene. The decision on the grant amounts has been deferred for now.
Littering in Echt – The amount of litter in and around Echt was commented on with most of the litter believed to be dropped from passing vehicles. It was noted that a few volunteers in Lyne of Skene had recently collected about 20 black bags of rubbish from the roadside verges near the village. Fiona will write to the Echt Residents Association and Echt School and ask if they might be interested in having the pupils do a litter pick in Echt – equipment is available to borrow from the Council.
GACCF – Recycling is to be a topic at the next meeting. It was noted that paint is not accepted at Westhill Recycling Centre and that the public is also prohibited from taking away usable items. It was suggested that an area should be allocated for re-usable items to be stored to give time for interested parties to remove them. If they are not removed within, say, 7 days they would then be allowed to go to landfill/recycle.
John Foulkes Presentation – John Foulkes was presented with a tankard and whisky to thank him for his 33 years’ service as a Community Councillor for Echt & Skene.
Future meetings:
12th June 2019 (AGM) Lyne of Skene