Meeting Minutes

Minute of Meeting 13th March 2019 Dunecht Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Nick Pilbeam, Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Ron McKail, Alison Cumming, 1 Echt resident, 3 Skene residents

Apologies: Mary Gray, Brian Poppleton, Alan Holmes, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison

Minute of last meeting: Approved.

Police Report: No Police report received since the last meeting.

Other Agenda items:

Skene School Crossing Safety: The speed survey is still to be done by Roads department ACTION: Cllr McKail to follow up status of speed survey.

Garlogie Footpath: No progress.

Garlogie Dog Fouling: Dog fouling between the hall and the dam continues to be an issue A video of the offence was sent to Dunecht Estates they don’t appear to have followed the matter up. ACTION: John to write to Dunecht Estates

Forbes Park Landscaping: John wrote to Kirkwood homes but has received no reply. John to escalate with complaint to Planning Enforcement.

Proposals for £1190 project funding: Four options are now proposed:

  1. Defibrillator for Lyne of Skene (initial positive response from residents and a meeting is taking place on 27th March) – cost ca. £2000
  2. Trace heating for Garlogie Hall main water supply to prevent winter freezing (£287 for installation)
  3. Milne Hall extension – the hall committee still need ca. £40,000 of additional funding to commence the project
  4. Dunecht Golf club has already bought a defibrillator and is looking for funds to purchase a cabinet for it – cost ca. £350

It was unanimously agreed to divide the money equally between the four projects.

Aberdeenshire LDP Main Issues Report Consultation Process: A discussion of the development bids in the ESCC area took place. Only two sites are considered as possibilities by planning officers – they view GR093 south of the B9119 in Echt as a preference, and GR094 in Dunecht as a reserve site. The Community Council felt that GR092 (to the N of the B9119 and adjacent to the recent Kirkwood Homes development) should be preferred over GR093 since the officers saw little difference in the merits of either, and provision for accessing GR092 is already in place via Forbes Way. The ESCC also felt that a further 50 houses at Dunecht on site GR094 would be very difficult to integrate into this small community. The ESCC is content that all other bid sites should be rejected.

There had been a separate session to discuss the MIR on 6th February and a draft response to the policy proposals has been circulated for comment. ACTION: Comments to be provided on the draft response by 20th March. Fiona to submit response thereafter by 5th April.

GACCF 7th March Feedback: A presentation was made on the Health and Social Care Partnership. The June Forum will feature waste and recycling.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2019/0406 Erection of signboard and 9 flagpoles – Land west of Tillybrig, Dunecht – No comment
  • APP/2019/0407 Siting of temporary marketing suite – Land west of Tillybrig, Dunecht – No comment

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2019/0120 Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse – Millstone House, Greystone Road, Dunecht AB32 7BS. PENDING. In answer to a question from local residents as to why the ESCC had objected to the application, it was explained that the ESCC did not wish to prevent an extension to the property but objects to the design, which is out of keeping with the traditional vernacular appearance of the converted steading.
  • APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX. PENDING
  • APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
  • APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill. APPROVED by GAC on 5th February despite representations against grant
  • APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. PENDING

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2408.97 Cash in hand: £7.32

The financial year-end will be 31st March 2019 and the treasurer requested all invoices/receipts be passed to him before then.

The ESCC public liability insurance is due for renewal shortly. Aberdeenshire Council is still discussing the process for payment with Moray Council and the insurers and will advise the outcome to CCs in Aberdeenshire once agreed.

Community Council Elections 2019:

3 Community Councillors come to end of their 3-year term this year – John Foulkes advised he would not be standing for re-election but Fiona Bick and Klaus Wahle will stand for re-election. In addition there are currently 3 other vacancies to be filled.

ACTION: John to make provisional booking of Dunecht Hall for potential ballot at end May.

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

Doors Open Days 14-15th September 2019 – there were no suggestions for buildings in ESCC area which could be offered up for this event


Garlogie Broadband: It was noted that despite the interest shown by Andrew Bowie MP in the lack of broadband in Garlogie, it seems there is no chance of fibre being installed in the short to medium term and the only options for residents are wireless broadband from CaleyCom or satellite.

Future meetings:

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene




Minute of Meeting 31st January Echt Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton, Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail, PC Steve Middleton, PC James Stewart, 4 Echt residents, 3 Dunecht residents

 Apologies: Mary Gray, Nick Pilbeam, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison

Minute of last meeting: Approved with amended apologies list.

Police Report: PC Steve Middleton gave a report for the last six weeks. There were 4 road traffic offences and no other crimes reported.

Other Agenda items:

Skene School Crossing Safety: The speed survey is still to be done by Roads department. Brian Poppleton suggested a 30mph speed limit be implemented from the A944 Smithy crossroads to past the school. Cllr Walker explained the road did not meet the criteria for 30mph. A larger school car park with a dedicated drop-off point behind the school might remove the need for the school patrol crossing. Alternatively, earlier warnings to drivers of the upcoming 20mph limit might be effective as they are expected to reduce speed from 60mph to just 20mph. ACTION: Cllr Walker to follow up mitigation options.

Garlogie Footpath: The remaining section of old pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris. Iris W has a job logged with Roads but it hasn’t been actioned yet.

Proposed Dunecht Conservation Area: Cheryl Roberts, Environmental Planner from Aberdeenshire Council, has submitted an item for publication in the next issue of the Westhill Bulletin. The formal consultation would commence in January 2020.

Garlogie Dog Fouling: Dog fouling between the hall and the dam is an issue with one particular resident refusing to pick up his dog’s mess. ACTION: The police will call on the individual concerned.

Proposals for £1190 project funding: Three options are proposed:

  1. Defibrillator for Lyne of Skene (dependent on volunteers coming forward to train in its use)
  2. Trace heating for Garlogie Hall main water supply to prevent winter freezing (John F to obtain quote for installation)
  3. Milne Hall extension – the hall committee still need ca. £40,000 of additional funding to commence the project

A 4th proposal to contribute towards the sculpture planned to celebrate Westhill’s 50th Anniversary was discounted as it is not in the ESCC area and it was felt that Westhill & Elrick CC are capable of providing significant funds.

The matter will be considered again at the next meeting when more information is available on options 1 and 2.

Aberdeenshire LDP Main Issues Report Consultation Process: The Main Issues Report was published on 14th January and the consultation closes on 8th April. There is a public drop-in session at Westhill Holiday Inn on 21st February 12.30-7pm by the Planning Policy team where the public will have an opportunity to discuss the MIR with the planners. It was agreed to hold a separate meeting to discuss the ESCC response on Wednesday 6th February and to bring the draft response back to the next full ESCC meeting on 13th March.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2019/0120 Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse – Millstone House, Greystone Road, Dunecht AB32 7BS. Objection – the design of the proposed first floor extension was felt to be unsympathetic to the traditional appearance of the converted steading building.
  • APP/2019/0083 Use of Land for Class 5 (General Industrial) and erection of fence – South Fornet, Dunecht AB32 7BX. Objection –as for APP/2018/2226, objection regarding unsuitability of access roads for additional traffic and with additional concerns expressed with respect to disturbance to the residents of the adjacent cottages.
  • APP/2018/2976 Installation of 12 UPVC Windows – The Neuk, The Terrace, Echt, AB32 6UL. No comment – it was observed that modern UPVC windows can be almost indistinguishable from painted wooden windows.

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
  • APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill. PENDING – This application is on the GAC agenda for 5th February with a Planning Department recommendation to grant. The 3 Dunecht residents at the meeting expressed continued concern regarding their ongoing correspondence with SEPA about the inadequacy of the developer’s flood assessment. The Community Council advised submitting a Request to Speak so that they can articulate their concerns to the GAC.
  • APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. PENDING

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2408.97 Cash in hand: £7.32

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

Public Consultation on Affordable Housing Proposal in Elrick – Tesco Superstore 2-7pm 6th February

YOYP Event Invitation at Meldrum Academy 6-9pm 22nd February – there were no volunteers to attend


Echt Forbes Park Development Landscaping Conditions – it was noted the ESCC hasn’t yet received a response to the complaint submitted regarding non-compliance. ACTION: John to follow up

Future meetings:

13th March 2019                Dunecht

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene



Minute of Meeting 12th December 2018 Lyne of Skene

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton, Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, George Glennie, Wendy Duncan, Bert McIntosh, Cara Graham, PC Steve Middleton, PC James Stewart

Apologies: Mary Gray, Nick Pilbeam, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr David Aitchison

Minute of last meeting: Approved

Police Report: PC Steve Middleton gave a report for the past two months. There were 2 road traffic offences and no other crimes reported. PC Middleton is retiring soon and PC Stewart will then take over the role of community policing in Garioch.

Cara Graham, a Skene School parent, raised concerns about road safety outside the school at school drop-off and pick-up times. The temporary 20mph speed limit is frequently being ignored by drivers and the crossing patrol had reported an HGV driver to Police for threatening behaviour. It was discussed whether there need to be more obvious road markings/signage to indicate the 20 mph limit to traffic. PC Middleton has requested a speed survey be done by Roads department outside the school. ACTION: Cllr McKelvie is to follow up possible interventions with Roads Department.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: Fiona attended the Echt Hall Committee meeting on 31st October. The hall committee isn’t willing to take on management of the replacement public convenience and, in the absence of any other group of residents taking this on, the Community Council agreed that the project regrettably could not go forward. Bert McIntosh generously offered to cancel the MPH invoice for the purchase of the second-hand portaloo, which was originally to have been used as the replacement toilet and which has been stored in the MPH yard since March.

The Council plans to demolish the existing public convenience building before the end of the financial year but will consider proposals from the community about what to do with the site after demolition. The Echt residents present at the meeting felt that a rose garden would be appropriate.

A discussion then took place on what to do with the funding already received from the GAC. It was agreed that the balance of funds left after paying the planning application costs (£1190.17) should be spent on another project within the Community Council area. ACTION: Proposals will be brought to the next meeting for consideration.

Garlogie Footpath: The remaining section of old pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris. Iris W was to have contacted Roads. No update.

Proposed Dunecht Conservation Area: Cheryl Roberts, Environmental Planner from Aberdeenshire Council, is seeking feedback following the last ESCC meeting. The Community Council agreed to support the proposal in principle. ACTION: Fiona to respond accordingly.

A96 Inverurie to Huntly CC Meeting 13th November Feedback: Fiona attended the meeting at which the short-listed routes were presented. The process has rejected the option of following the existing Inverurie by-pass because it would involve demolishing around 40 properties, which the A96 team are instructed by Scottish government to avoid. Concerns were raised at the meeting that the route options to the north and south of Inverurie would cost more and result in significant loss of farmland as well as exposing more rural areas to traffic noise.

GACCF Forum 14th November – Strategic Development Plan MIR Feedback: No-one from ESCC attended this meeting.

GACCF Meeting 5th December: John Foulkes attended the meeting. Community Action Plans were discussed. John pointed out that Echt & Skene CC had conducted a similar community planning exercise around 20 years ago but none of the facilities which the community expressed a wish for at the time had materialised. It was suggested that the traffic impact of the AWPR opening be proposed for the agenda in March or June. ACTION: John to pass on suggested topic to Alison Cumming.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2681 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Livery Stable and Formation of Manege (retrospective) – Millbuie, Skene AB32 6YP. Objection with respect to intrusive lighting over the manege from the prominent hilltop location

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX PENDING
  • APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill PENDING
  • APP/2018/2508 Alteration and extension to agricultural building – Millbuie, Skene, Westhill AB32 6YP APPROVED

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2458.97 Cash in hand: £17.32

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Community Council Induction Training in Planning Matters 30th January 7pm at Gordon House. A number of Community Councillors expressed an intention to attend. It was agreed to move to move the next ESCC meeting to 31st January to avoid a clash of dates.


Cllr McKelvie informed the meeting about a recent meeting in Westhill on Mental Health and Wellbeing, and his recent visit to the NHS Equipment Store in Inverurie, which contains a vast array of equipment including wheelchairs, walking sticks, frames, aids for the blind, deaf, disabled, alarms, telephony, & technical materials. This equipment is available to support Independent Living whether on a permanent or temporary basis. The equipment can be sourced via GPs, Practice Nurses, Physio or District nurse. It is also possible for temporary needs to contact the Store directly for collection of a select number of items.

Minute of meeting 30th October 2018

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Mary Gray, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, 6 Dunecht residents, 3 Echt residents, Cheryl Roberts (Aberdeenshire Council Environmental Planner), Cllr Iris Walker

 Apologies: Klaus Wahle, Brian Poppleton

Minute of last meeting: Approved

Police Report: None received. It is now 5 months since we received a police report or had police attend an ESCC meeting.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: Fiona to attend the Echt Hall Committee AGM on 31 October to discuss management of the new toilet.

Milne Hall Signs: Signs have now been erected. CLOSED

Garlogie Footpath: The remaining section of old pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris. Iris W was to have contacted Roads.

Proposed Dunecht Conservation Area: Cheryl Roberts, Environmental Planner from Aberdeenshire Council, attended the meeting to explain why Dunecht was being considered for Conservation Area status, what the designation would mean in practical terms and how it would affect local residents. It was explained that the Conservation Area would not necessarily cover the whole village and would be subject to an 8 week consultation period. It was suggested that Skene Heritage Society would have an interest and that the Westhill Bullletin would be a good place to advertise a drop-in session to gauge local opinion more widely.

 Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2466.67 Cash in hand: £17.32

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2405 Demolition of outbuildings and erection of 3 houses with detached garages – Barnton Farm, Echt – No comment.
  • APP/2018/2226 Change of use from Class 6 (Storage) to Class 5 (General Industrial) – South Fornet, Dunecht, Westhill AB32 7BX – Objection.
  • APP/2018/2430 – Full planning permission for erection of 33 houses and associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space – Land to the west of Tillybrig, Dunecht, Westhill – Objection. The residents of Dunecht gave a presentation to explain the concerns of Tillybrig householders about the impact on flood risk for their properties as a result of the proposed development.
  • APP/2018/2508 Alteration and extension to agricultural building – Millbuie, Skene, Westhill AB32 6YP – Objection. This proposed development appears to be to support the unauthorised horse livery business operating at the farm rather than agricultural activity. Aberdeenshire Council served an enforcement notice in January 2018 requiring a planning application to be submitted in respect of the livery and no action has been taken to follow up.

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Aberdeen City & Shire Proposed Strategic Development Plan Consultation – closes 17th December. Comments to be sent to Fiona, who will collate a response
  • A96 Inverurie to Huntly Dualling Community Council Forum 2-3.30pm 13th Nov at Garioch Centre, Inverurie. The short-listed options do not include the Bennachie route but all involve substantial detours around Inverurie since the contractors are instructed to avoid demolition. Fiona will attend.
  • Garioch Area Community Council Forum Meeting – early December. A GACCF meeting was held in September but notice of this meeting wasn’t received by ESCC members. Iris Walker advised there was a presentation on Planning Enforcement – she will arrange for a copy to be forwarded.


  • Kirkwood Homes Echt Phase 2 Development – an Echt resident raised a concern regarding potential non-compliance with the landscaping conditions of the planning permission. The ESCC will submit a complaint.
  • Barmekin Park – concerns have been raised regarding inappropriate use of the car parking area for storage/disposal of waste materials. Council waste team has been advised.

Future meetings:

12th December 2018        Lyne of Skene

30th January 2019             Echt

13th March 2019                Dunecht

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene




Minute of meeting held 19th September in Garlogie Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail.

 Apologies: Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison, Mary Gray

Minute of last meeting: Approved

Police Report: None received. Fiona to follow up with new Westhill sergeant.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: Fiona has spoken with members of the Echt Hall Committee who will discuss whether they might take on management of the new toilet at their next meeting. It appears uncertain as to whether there are now sufficient funds available to build the new toilet.

Milne Hall Signs: Signs not yet in place.

Garlogie Footpath: Roads Department were able to re-allocate funds to install a new pavement with kerbing between the Garlogie Inn and the houses to the east. The Community Council expressed their thanks to Iris Walker for obtaining this outcome with the Roads Department. The remaining section of pathway west of the pub still needs to be cleared of mud and debris though.

Kirkton of Skene Flood Mitigation Meeting: The Council has now cleared the flood relief ditch in the field to the north of Carpenter’s Croft and connected it to the Beechy Burn. Closed

Treasurer’s Report:

£107.69 spent on concrete for the installation of the Lyne of Skene bus shelter.

Cash in bank: £2521.67 Cash in hand: £17.42

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/2110 Condition 1 (a) Siting, Design, Layout, External Appearance, Finishing Materials, Bin Uplift, Driveway, Vehicle Parking and Turning Area; (b) Means of Access including Visibility Splays and Vehicle Layby at Junction; (c) Landscaping Scheme; (d) Levels Survey and Cross Sections; (e) Foul and Surface Water Disposal) of Planning Permission in Principle Reference APP/2018/0259 Erection of Dwellinghouse – Site east of Newton Smiddy, Dunecht – The site ground level has been reduced so that only the roof of the new 1½ storey house will be visible from the B9126. No objection.
  • APP/2018/1838 Erection of workshop and store (Class 5 General industrial) – Gas Compressor Station, Echt AB32 6US – No objection

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Aberdeenshire Waste Strategy Consultation – closes 28th September. Ron advised that the GAC had voted to support option 4 of the options proposed by the Waste Management Team.
  • Stagecoach AWPR Bus Routes Consultation – closes 21st September
  • Scotland Policy Conferences Keynote Seminar Implementing planning reform – funding, coordination and further steps for policy 23rd October 2018 in Edinburgh . Fiona might be able to attend.


  • A number of people on the ESCC distribution lists have reported problems receiving emails. Nick advised some email providers have filters which may be causing them to discard the emails so he will change the list set-up to avoid this happening in future.
  • Grant suggested that the ESCC should have a greater social media presence beyond the website. Fiona will investigate setting up a Facebook page.
  • Problems reported again in being able to contact the right people in the Council when issues arise – the helpline service appears to be under-resourced with long waiting times. The Councillors present suggested they were willing to act as a conduit to make direct contact.
  • Echt Nursery made a request for assistance from a CSCS registered builder to complete their outdoor play area project. It was suggested they contact the Echt PTA or Kirkwood Homes.
  • Iris advised that the proposed new Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan has been published and will be discussed at the forthcoming full Aberdeenshire Council meeting.

Future meetings:

30th October 2018          Milne Hall, Kirkton of Skene

12th December 2018      Lyne of Skene

30th January 2019           Echt

13th March 2019             Dunecht

24th April 2019                Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene




Minute of Meeting 8th August 2018 Dunecht Hall

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Klaus Wahle, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, Cllr Ron McKail.

 Apologies: Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison, John Foulkes

Minute of last meeting: Approved

Police Report: None received. Iris Walker advised that Westhill has a new sergeant in place and will forward a contact email address for the ESCC distribution list.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: Fiona attended a site meeting with Bert McIntosh and Tom Buchan from the Council in early July. Bert has been invited to resubmit his quote for demolition of the existing toilet by the end of August. Fiona has researched the position regarding ongoing running costs for the replacement toilet. A public convenience within a public park is not liable for business rates and 100% relief for water/sewerage charges can be obtained if the customer is a registered charity. It was agreed that it would be best if the new PC were managed by a group from Echt village rather than the ESCC, none of whom currently reside within Echt. Fiona will explore options for this.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: The shelter was successfully erected by a group of 5 local residents in July. The ESCC will reimburse the costs of cement, etc. Closed.

Milne Hall Signs: Roads Department has agreed to put up the signs. Ron to chase.

Garlogie Footpath: Parts of the path have been washed away by water thrown up by passing traffic during heavy rain. Roads Department are to produce costings for repair and improvements including the provision of kerbing but it is unlikely the Council will find a budget to cover the costs.

Kirkton of Skene Flood Mitigation Meeting: The Council is to open up a connection of the flood relief ditch in the field to the north of Carpenter’s Croft to the Beechy Burn and to use soil from the ditch to stop up the dry stone wall to try and prevent water flowing through the gardens.

Treasurer’s Report:

The annual grant of £626.22 has been received from the Council. £1360 is held for the new Echt public convenience.

Cash in bank: £2629.36 Cash in hand: £17.32

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Community Councillor Induction Event 22nd August 7pm Gordon House – Grant may attend
  • Community Council Networking Event Saturday 15th September at Woodhill House. Topics include Car Parking, Roads Development, Waste Recycling


  • Klaus Wahle attended the AWPR briefing for CCs in June. No firm date has yet been declared for completion and opening. The River Don crossing is the critical unfinished component with the rest of the road largely ready.

Future meetings:

19th September 2018      Garlogie

31st October 2018             Kirkton of Skene

12th December 2018        Lyne of Skene

30th January 2019             Echt

13th March 2019                Dunecht

24th April 2019                   Garlogie

12th June 2019 (AGM)    Lyne of Skene

Minute of Meeting 20th June 2018 Echt Hall

Echt & Skene Community Council

Minute of meeting held 20th June 2018 in Echt Hall following AGM

Present: Fiona Bick (chair), Nick Pilbeam (vice-Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Klaus Wahle, Mary Gray, Grant Duguid, Ian MacMaster, Cllr Iris Walker, PC Steve Middleton, 3 residents from Echt.

Apologies: Wendy Duncan, Cllr Ron McKail, Cllr Alistair McKelvie, Cllr David Aitchison

Minute of last meeting: Two amendments were noted to the minute of the last meeting – namely, Cllr Iris Walker was not present but sent apologies, and, under AOCB, the meeting in Kirkton of Skene to discuss flood mitigation measures was arranged by Iris rather than being attended by her.

Police Report: PC Steve Middleton informed the meeting there had been 4 speeding offences on the A944 and the theft of a motorbike in Echt. A speed camera had been set up at Dunecht to monitor traffic coming from Sauchen following a request from the school. The CC asked for the camera to be deployed in Garlogie and Echt as well. He warned residents to be wary of rogue traders cold-calling at houses – there have been a number of reports of these in the area.

Other Agenda items:

Watering of Echt Flower Barrels: George Glennie made a request for assistance with watering the flower barrels in Echt. A local Echt resident offered to loan an IBC tank which could be placed on a trailer and filled with water for easy transport around the village. Closed

Feedback on Aberdeenshire LDP 2021 Developer Bids Seminar: Fiona attended the seminar for ESCC. None of the developer bid sites in the ESCC area are to be taken forward as preferred in the next LDP except that two of the sites (GR093 at Echt and GR094 at Dunecht) will be placed on the reserve list and may be allocated if the new City & Shire Strategic Development Plan increases the housing supply target. Closed

Feedback on Kirkwood Homes Public Consultation for land west of Tillybrig, Dunecht: No-one from the CC attended the consultation.

Echt Public Convenience: The planning application for the replacement toilet was approved. Fiona is arranging a site meeting with Bert McIntosh and the Council.

Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): The path was installed during the week commencing 11th June with minimal disruption and is proving popular. Closed

Echt Footpath: The path request is one of a number for small settlements in Aberdeenshire but the Council doesn’t have sufficient monies to allocate funding for it. Closed.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning permission was granted. The Council is due to deliver the shelter in early July for a work team of local residents to install it.

Milne Hall Signs: Roads Department has agreed to put up the signs. Not actioned yet.

Garlogie Footpath: The footpath alongside the B9119 is crumbling onto the road due to the absence of kerbing to contain it. Iris advised there was no money available to provide kerbing but said she would speak to the Roads Department about levelling it off.

Kirkton of Skene Flood Mitigation Meeting: Iris said she had received a report of the meeting which occurred on 21st May between Alan Edwards, Kenny Freeman, the Rogiehill farmer and Lee Watson, and would circulate it.


  • SEPA Flood Risk Management – closes 31st July

 Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2015.14 Cash in hand: £19.83

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Garioch Partnership AGM is on 27th June 7pm at Fly Cup, Inverurie
  • AWPR Briefing 26th June 6pm Woodhill House – Klaus will try to attend


  • Iris Walker informed the meeting that planning permission in principle had been given by the GAC for a house at Newton Smiddy on the basis of agricultural need (APP/2018/0259).

Minute of Meeting 15th May 2018 Lyne of Skene Hall

Minute of meeting held 16th May in Lyne of Skene Hall at 7:30pm


Present: Fiona Bick (Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Klaus Wahle, Wendy Duncan, Councillor Alistair McKelvie, Alison Cumming (Aberdeenshire Council), 4 Echt residents and 1 Garlogie resident, PC Cockburn (MOD Police), PC Presland (MOD Police).

Apologies: Cllr Iris Walker & David Aitchison, Mary Gray, Brian Poppleton

Minute of last meeting: Accepted

Approval of new Echt & Skene Community Council Constitution: The revised constitution was proposed by Fiona Bick and seconded by Nick Pilbeam. It was unanimously approved with immediate effect.

Review of Aberdeenshire LDP 2021 Developer Bids: A discussion took place of some 18 bid sites in the ESCC area put forward for development. A Council seminar is scheduled to take place on 12th June to discuss all of the Garioch Area bids which Fiona and Nick will attend to represent the consensus views of the ESCC.

Community Councillor Election Nominations: The ESCC has 3 vacancies arising as a result of resignations and 3 arising as a result of community councillors having completed 3 years in post. Under the new elections procedures nomination forms have to be returned to the Garioch Area Committee Officer by 31st May.

Police Report: No Police report received.

Other Agenda items:

Echt Public Convenience: The planning application for the replacement toilet was submitted in April. Discussions are ongoing with the planning officer concerning the final design of the building.

Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): The Council has identified a further £10,000 of developer contributions which are available to fund the project, which will enable the whole perimeter path to be completed. Fiona will attend a site meeting on 21st May with the Council landscaping department and the contractor with a view to work commencing within the next few months.

Echt Footpath: The Council advised against trying to combine this project with the Pleasure Park path given that the full funding is now available for the latter. No progress otherwise.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning decision awaited.

Milne Hall Signs: No signs yet. Action – Alistair McKelvie to chase Roads Department.


  • Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan MIR – closes 21st May. Action – Fiona will draft an ESCC response largely supporting the status quo
  • Scottish Govt Licensing Procedure Consultation – closes 6th June. Individual responses to be made.
  • SEPA Flood Risk Management – closes 31st July


New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/0860 Formation of Decking (retrospective) – 1 Glebe Terrace, Kirkton of Skene – No comment
  • APP/2018/0792 Erection of Public Convenience – Echt Pleasure Park – no comment


Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2017/ 1802 Continued use of Buildings for Class 5 (General Industrial): Non-compliance with Condition 1 (Time) of Full Planning Permission Ref. APP/2015/0663 Units 4 and 5 South Fornet, Skene – APPEAL ALLOWED

The ESCC noted that this planning decision exposes a loophole in the planning system that allows breaches of carefully considered and agreed policies. Rogue businesses will be encouraged to start up in inappropriate locations knowing that there is an opportunity to break the planning regulations with impunity.


Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £2071.14 Cash in hand: £34.93


Council grant of £1360 ringfenced for Echt PC. Cheque for £68.83 pending for planning application advertisement. The Treasurer requested any outstanding claims for expenses be made by 25th May for the accounts to be ready for the AGM.


Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • Notice received from Kirkwood Homes regarding further public consultation on the housing development west of Tillybrig, Dunecht – 31st May 3.30-7.30pm Dunecht Hall.
  • Aberdeenshire LDP Bids Seminar 12th June 11am Gordon House, Inverurie
  • GACCF 6th June 7pm Inverurie Townhall – main topic will be community engagement and community planning.


  • Iris Walker has arranged a meeting in Kirkton of Skene between the Council and local residents to discuss measures which will be implemented by the Council to alleviate flood risk in the village
  • GDPR –check with those on the ESCC Info distribution list that they are happy to continue receiving ESCC emails. Action – Fiona
  • Garlogie footpath – no reply from Roads department yet. Action – John to follow up
  • Garlogie Broadband – it was noted that Andrew Bowie MP will attend a meeting in the village on 15th August on this topic
  • 2 untaxed cars have been abandoned in Barmekin Park – these can be reported on the Council’s Road Faults web page
  • Council Service Point – it was noted that people are enduring long waits when calling the new telephone number with no indication being given of their place in the queue – Action – Alistair McKelvie to follow up
  • Kingsford Stadium – the Westhill councillors had a meeting with the NKS campaign group and were informed that the group are proceeding with an application for a judicial review.

Future meetings:

20th June (AGM)                          Echt Hall


Minute of Meeting 4th April 2018 Garlogie Hall

Echt & Skene Community Council

Minute of meeting held 4th April in Garlogie Hall at 7:30pm

Present: Fiona Bick (Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Edith Duchie, Raymond Alexander, Councillors Iris Walker, Ron McKail and Alistair McKelvie

Apologies: Alan Edwards, Cllr David Aitchison, Mary Gray, Klaus Wahle, Wendy Duncan

Minute of last meeting: Accepted

Police Report: 1 speeding offence and 2 offences of failing to stop after an accident. Operation Cedar is ongoing in the Garioch area aimed at tackling road traffic offences.

GACCF Meeting Feedback: John attended. Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan Main Issues report consultation is open for comment until 21 May.

Other Agenda items:

ESCC Website: New links have been added. Photos of local scenes are still needed to enhance the look and feel, and contributions should be sent to Nick. Meeting minutes are added as they are approved. Item closed.

ESCC Constitution: Working group met and agreed some further amendments. The final draft was sent to Alison Cumming for comment but no response received as yet. The new constitution will be issued for approval at the next meeting. Action – John to chase Alison Cumming for response

Echt War Memorial: Dunecht Estates commented that given the lack of interest from Echt residents in being part of a working group to progress a WW2 memorial they didn’t think the residents of Dunecht were likely to have a different response .Neither Dunecht Estates nor the ESCC intended to take the idea further but expressed their appreciation of the work done by Wendy Duncan on it.

Echt Public Convenience: Meeting between Council property department, Bert Mackintosh and Fiona took place on Monday 26th Feb. Aberdeenshire Council will be responsible for demolition of the existing building and associated consents but as yet haven’t appointed a contractor to do the work. Fiona has prepared a planning application on behalf of ESCC for the replacement disabled access toilet and is ready to submit it. Toilets remain open in the meantime. Action – Fiona to contact Bert Mackintosh to clarify scope of work included in his installation offer.

Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): Fiona obtained agreement from developer contributions team that new paths in the Pleasure Park will qualify for funds and has received confirmation that £17, 598.96 of available monies have been allocated to the project. However, the funds appear to be insufficient for the whole project. Action – Fiona to contact Council to clarify responsibilities for obtaining additional quotes and commissioning the work.

Carpenters Croft/Kirkton of Skene Flooding Issues: Alan Edwards has notified that the residents have now decided to take self-help measures to resolve the issues. Item closed.

Echt Footpath: Iris suggested the Council could look to do the Pleasure Park path and the B977 footpath as one project and that there may be monies available from the Active Travel budget to go towards it. Action – Fiona to contact Margaret-Jane Cardno

Community Resilience: Fiona submitted an application to the A96 Dualling Project Community Development Fund for money to pay for gas heaters/coal. There are no plans to make further funding applications. Item closed.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning application has been submitted and is open for public comment.

Heartstart Course: No progress. Item closed.

Milne Hall Signs: No signs yet. Action – Ron to chase Roads Department.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/0399 Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse – Cosyneuk, Echt AB32 6XL. No comment
  • APP/2018/0665 Part use of dwellinghouse for childminding business (Class 10) – Hillbrae, Echt, AB32 6XJ. No comment.
  • APP/2018/0584 Installation of 15 lead slate roof vents – Echt Parish Church. No comment.
  • APP/2018/0559 Erection of bus shelter – Lyne of Skene Village Hall. No comment.

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2017/ 1802 Continued use of Buildings for Class 5 (General Industrial): Non-compliance with Condition 1 (Time) of Full Planning Permission Ref. APP/2015/0663 Units 4 and 5 South Fornet, Skene – APPEALED Reporter made unaccompanied site visit. Decision still awaited.

Treasurer’s Report:

Council grant of £1360 received for Echt PC. £202 spent on 2 planning applications, £7.19 on printing paper and £81.98 on flower barrels and compost for Lyne of Skene.

Cash in bank: £2195.83 Cash in hand: £44.97

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • None


  • Alan Edwards has resigned from ESCC
  • Garlogie footpath is in poor state and is crumbling at edge to extent that it is no longer wide enough in placesy. Pedestrians are therefore having to walk on the road instead. Action – John to write to Scott Walker requesting kerbing
  • Clr Alistair McKelvie circulated the list of road maintenance, pathway and lighting projects to be executed by the Council in Westhill area in 2018-19.

Future meetings:

16th May                                          Lyne of Skene

20th June (AGM)                             Echt Hall


Minute of meeting 21 February 2018 in Garlogie Hall


Echt & Skene Community Council

Minute of meeting held 21st February in Garlogie Hall at 7:30pm

Present: Fiona Bick (Chair), John Foulkes (Secretary), Wendy Duncan, Ian MacMaster, Nick Pilbeam, Brian Poppleton (Treasurer), Edith Duchie, Councillors Ron McKail and Alistair McKelvie

Apologies: Alan Edwards, Cllr David Aitchison, Cllr Iris Walker, Mary Gray

Minute of last meeting: Accepted

Police Report: None received

Other Agenda items:

ESCC Website: Website text content has been updated. Photos of local scenes are needed to enhance the look and feel, and contributions should be sent to Nick. Nick to add links to Aberdeenshire Safety Partnership and Skene Heritage Society.

ESCC Constitution: First draft prepared. Further working group meeting needed to discuss and finalise for ESCC approval. Following that the new constitution will be sent to Aberdeenshire Council for approval so that it can be in place for next AGM.

Echt War Memorial: Survey was sent out by email to 125 local Echt residents and also made available in village shop and hall for pick up. Only 5 responses received with none willing to assist with fund-raising, etc. Wendy will send survey and results to Dunecht Estates for comment.

Echt Public Convenience: Meeting between Council property department and Bert Mackintosh is to take place on Monday 26th Feb. Fiona will attend for ESCC. Toilets remain open in the meantime.

Echt Developer Contributions (Sport & Recreation projects): No progress with the new Pleasure Park path. It is rumoured that some of the Echt developer contributions have been siphoned off to other Council projects. Fiona to follow up with Garioch Area Manager.

Carpenters Croft/Kirkton of Skene Flooding Issues: Bancon Homes has offered a disappointingly small donation towards the cost of enlarging the Manse Road culvert. Fiona to contact them again.

Echt Footpath: No progress.

Community Resilience: Residents’ information leaflet has been printed and is ready to go out as an insert in February’s Westhill bulletin. Nick has leaflets for anyone wanting to distribute door-to-door. They will also be left in village shops for pick-up.

Lyne of Skene bus shelter: Planning application imminent (Nick).

Heartstart Course: No progress.

New Planning Applications:

  • APP/2018/0067 Alterations and extension to existing garage – Leddach House, Skene. No comment.
  • APP/2018/0259 Planning Permission in principle for erection of dwellinghouse – site east of Newton Smiddy, Dunecht. ESCC to submit comment regarding undesirability of breaking skyline with new house (John).

Prior Planning Applications:

  • APP/2017/ 1802 Continued use of Buildings for Class 5 (General Industrial): Non-compliance with Condition 1 (Time) of Full Planning Permission Ref. APP/2015/0663 Units 4 and 5 South Fornet, Skene – APPEALED. Community Councillors will attend if Reporter makes accompanied site visit.

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash in bank: £1157.73 Cash in hand: £14.14

Correspondence/Upcoming Events:

  • GACCF meeting 7th March 7pm at Meldrum Academy – John to attend.


  • Kingsford stadium – It’s understood Aberdeenshire Council is writing to Scottish Government asking them to call in the approval of the application by Aberdeen City Council contrary to the Local Development Plan. The discharge of a number of the planning conditions would require the cooperation of Aberdeenshire Council i.e. pedestrian bridge and Controlled Parking Zone.
  • The telephone box and post box at Garlogie Hall have now been removed. A post box remains at the other end of Garlogie.
  • The Milne Hall Committee would like signs in the village at the car park entrances for “Village Hall” as some visitors have difficulty spotting it – Ron to write to Roads Department.
  • Aberdeenshire Licensing Forum – John attended. Issues discussed included high price of low/no alcohol beers, difficulties in competing with supermarkets faced by small retailers and burdensome application process for occasional licences leading to increase in BYOB events. Forum will meet 2/3 times per year.

Future meetings:

4th April                                               Garlogie

16th May                                            Lyne of Skene

20th June (AGM)                             Echt Hall